Cumulative totals

Historical data

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Cumulative totals – ITS administered liquidations

2019 to 2024

2019 to 2020 2020 to 2021 2021 to 2022 2022 to 2023 2023 to 2024
July 7 7 14 22 33
August 15 7 33 46 66
September 19 9 40 70 108
October 25 13 51 81 141
November 32 18 55 109 168
December 35 24 60 139 192
January 35 24 60 139 193
February 41 35 65 162 241
March 45 46 77 183 281
April 45 51 82 197 315
May 52 60 86 224 350
June (end of year total) 58 69 97 251 381


2013 to 2019


2018-19 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14
July 12  16 13 4 12 25
August 18  25 36 12 27 60
September 27  38 51 22 44 88
October 34 48 60 36 58 134
November 42 55 66 48 77 169
December 44 64 69 53 85 194
January 45 65 71 58 87 195
February 54 87 85 78 109 231
March 65 96 97 98 134 284
April 73 106 102 109 144 302
May  83  113 107 123 155 354
June (End of year total)  86  117 120 148 175 393
