Logon with RealMe®

Creating an online account with the Insolvency and Trustee Service allows you to complete your transactions with us online.

Setting up your online services account

There are 2 steps to setting up an account — ensuring you have a RealMe® login, and complete the user registration details.

  1. Ensure you have a RealMe® login

    To create an online account you must have a RealMe® username and password.

    What is RealMe®?(external link)(external link) - RealMe website

    If you already have a RealMe login

    Select the Login button at the top of the page if you:

    • already have a RealMe username and password that you have already created, or
    • have a RealMe username and password from another agency.

    Get a RealMe login

    If you don't already have a RealMe login:

    • Select the Create link at the top right corner of this page.
    • Select Create a RealMe login and follow the instructions to create a username and password.
      Important note: You must have an email address to be able to create a RealMe username and password.
    • After you've created your username and password, select Next to start creating your online account.
    • Follow the instructions below to complete the user registration details.
  2. Complete the user registration details

    When prompted follow these steps:

    1. Enter your first and last name into the mandatory boxes.
    2. Add your address details. These will start to populate once you begin to type. If you live overseas or your address does not populate, select the Manually Enter Address option to complete the details.
    3. Enter your Contact Details, providing an email address is mandatory and your telephone number.
    4. You will be asked if you would like to register on behalf of an organisation.
      • Select NO if you are registering a logon for your own use: for example you would like to enter into an insolvency procedure yourself, or file a claim for money you are owed.
      • Select YES If you are registering on behalf of an organisation; for example, if you will be using the logon as part of your job and then complete the mandatory organisation details including name, street address and email address. Also add a phone number if possible.
    5. Check the box to confirm that you have read and understood our ‘Terms & Conditions’ and ‘Privacy Statement’. Select Save.
    6. You will receive and Activation email. Follow the instruction to complete your account activation. 

Once you have been added to an organisation by the administrator, you will receive an email which includes an activation link and activation code.

  1. To continue, open the email and click on the activation link and copy the activation code..
  2. Enter the activation code. Tick the terms and conditions checkbox and select Activate.
  3. At this point you will be directed to enter an existing RealMe or create a new one.