What is a NZBN?

NZBN is a unique number that businesses use to identify themselves. People can use it to look up key information on the NZBN register like the name, phone number and address.  If the business changes those details it only needs to update them in one place. Every company registered in New Zealand has a NZBN, and other types of business like sole traders or partnerships can also have one.

To find out more go to www.NZBN.govt.nz(external link).

When you contact the Insolvency and Trustee Service you can provide us with the NZBN for your business or company if you have one and we will obtain your details from the register.

Once the Insolvency Regulations are updated we will change our public registers to enable you to search by NZBN, and also change our forms and online applications to allow entry of a NZBN to save you from manually entering all your business contact details.